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The Japanese House with quinnie at Neptune Theatre in Seattle | November 24th, 2023

Dive In Magazine

Photos and Review by Delaney Hawley

The Japanese House performing in Seattle at Neptune Theatre on November 24, 2023

The Japanese House hit the stage on November 24th for a sold-out show at Seattle’s historic Neptune Theatre. With support from opening act quinnie, fans were gifted with two effortlessly cool performances back-to-back.

Quinnie started off the night with a calm and beautiful set, which consisted of some of her most popular songs, including “man” and crowd favorite “touch tank.” The artist shared that she originally sent “touch tank” to her friend in a voice memo as a joke, only to be met with the response that it was “a really good song,” and now she’s very grateful it’s out. Friends Jake and Hudson joined her on stage and helped make most of the music we heard that night come alive. She mentioned a sweet story from her childhood about how she misunderstood the name of the city and thought her mother took business trips to “See Attle,” claiming that this place would always be a person to her.

Quinnie opening for The Japanese House in Seattle at Neptune Theatre on November 24, 2023

She delivered a dynamic musical performance by switching between playing piano and guitar throughout her set. Quinnie ended with a very personal song called “gold star,” which she wrote in high school. It was clear the ethereal artist grabbed the room’s attention and affection with the loud cheers after each song. She set the night up with a happy and peaceful tone that continued throughout The Japanese House’s performance.

The Japanese House brought a bit more of an upbeat presence to the stage. Backed by a full band, Amber Bain provided fans with heartbreaking lyrics paired with music they couldn’t help but move around to. Touring her new record, In the End It Always Does, The Japanese House gave fans a beautiful show with lots of unique lighting, fun instrumental breaks, and lots of dancing.

Of course, The Japanese House played her popular song “Saw You In A Dream,” bringing fans together to loudly sing the 2017 hit. She sprinkled in other songs from her past album, Good At Falling, including another fan favorite, “Maybe You’re the Reason."

Each song from In the End It Always Does felt like a window into Amber Bains’ life and was played with such vulnerability, tugging at everyone’s heartstrings. One of the standout songs of the night was “Boyhood,” which had everyone in sight throwing up their hands and singing along at the top of their lungs.

The audience cheering loudly for The Japanese House in Seattle at Neptune Theatre on November 24, 2023

At the end of the night, fans weren’t left without an exceptional and emotional encore. Things slowed way down for “One for sorrow, two for Joni Jones,” a melancholy song from the new album, which Amber Bain dedicated to her Uncle Scotty. Fans gathered together in large group hugs and held hands as they slowly swayed to the somber ballad. However, The Japanese House kept everyone on their toes by bringing the energy right back up with an upbeat version of her final song of the night, “Sunshine Baby,” before blowing us a kiss goodnight and taking a final bow.


The Japanese House



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